We provide acupuncture treatment, moxibustion treatment, and cupping treatment, and use traditional Tuina as an auxiliary if needed. Acupuncture insurance is accepted.
Acupuncture therapy is widely used for the treatment of many kinds of diseases. In 1996, the World Health Organization (WHO) Italian Milan conference adopted 64 indications for acupuncture, including:
1. Nervous system diseases: such as stroke, headache, migraine, facial neuralgia, facial muscle disorders (facial nerve anesthesia), sciatica, etc.
2. Motor system diseases: such as neck myalgia, arthralgia, shoulder and arm necsitis (fifty shoulder), back pain, lumbar myalgia, lumbar disc displacement, low back pain, tailbone disease, muscle spasm, lumbar strain and strain, tail sprain and strain, arthritis, osteoarthropathy, joint lesions, arthralgia, lateral ankle inflammation (tennis elbow), etc.
3. Respiratory system: such as cough, acute and chronic pharyngitis, acute and chronic bronchitis; bronchial asthma, etc.
4. Gastrointestinal system: epigastric pain, gastric ulcer, gastritis and duodenitis; vomiting, esophageal disease, indigestion, hiccups, constipation, diarrhea, enteritis and gastroenteritis, colorectal local enteritis, anal prolapse, etc.
5. Urogenital system: chronic nephritis, impotence, nocturnal emission, etc.
6. Gynecological diseases: premenstrual catatonia, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, functional uterine bleeding, leucorrhea, uterine prolapse, pregnancy and vomiting, eclampsia, amenorrhea, etc.
7. Diseases of the ENT system: rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, toothache, etc.
Moxibustion therapy was adapted widely and was the main treatment of diseases in ancient China. It has the role of warming Yang, replenishing qi, warming meridians, removing stasis and dispersing knot, tonifying qi and so on. It can be widely used in various diseases. Mainly applicable to: 1) cold coagulation and blood stagnation, meridian obstruction caused by various diseases. 2) Exterior exogenous cold and deficiency and cold in middle Jiao. 3) Spleen and kidney Yang deficiency and qi prolapse. 4) Qi deficiency and sink, organ drooping disease. 5) Surgical sores, breast carbuncle, all kinds of pain, boils without purulent, moxibustion can remove stasis and disperse nodes, poison, and extraction heat. For ulcers and ulceration for a long time, moxibustion also has the role of promoting healing. 6) Disease of qi rebellion. 7) Disease prevention and health care.
Although moxibustion is a good treatment method, it also has its contraindications, such as: 1) Direct moxibustion should not be used on facial acupoints, nipples, large blood vessels, etc. 2) Generally, people with fasting, full satiety, extreme fatigue and fear of moxibustion should use moxibustion with caution. For frail patients, the moxa cone should not be too large during moxibustion, and the stimulation volume should not be too strong to prevent "dizziness due to moxibustion". Once dizziness occurs, it should be dealt with promptly. 3) Moxibustion should not be performed on the abdomen and lumbosacral region of pregnant women. The above contraindications should be paid special attention to when using moxibustion therapy.
Cupping therapy is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy. It acts on the skin of the body surface, adjusts the functions of the viscera, strengthens the body, removes pathogens, and balances yin and yang through the overall action of the viscera, meridians, qi and blood. In the self-adjustment of the body, cupping therapy produces the effects of activating qi and blood, relaxing tendons and collaterals, reducing swelling and pain, dispelling wind and dampness, and promoting the reconciliation of yin and yang of the body, thereby restoring normal functions.
Cupping therapy has a wide range of applications, and it has long been developed to treat more than 100 diseases including internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, dermatology, and ENT. Especially in recent years, some diseases such as Behcet's disease, postoperative abdominal distension, as well as some difficult emergencies such as senile chronic bronchitis, pulmonary etc., have also achieved unexpected results by using this method. Due to the unique medical mechanism of cupping therapy, it has obvious pain relief effect. Whether it is headache, abdominal pain, biliary colic, rheumatic pain, or acute lumbar sprain, chronic soft tissue injury, cupping therapy can be used to achieve immediate curative effect.
The analgesic effect of pricking and cupping is particularly significant. TCM believes that the pain is mostly caused by the blockage of the meridians and the blood stasis, and cupping can effectively remove blood stasis, clear meridians and activate collaterals.
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