Acupuncture is a traditional treatment method in ancient China, with a long history of more than three thousand years. The results of modern scientific studies have also proved the effectiveness of acupuncture for countless times. Nowadays, acupuncture has become one of the most effective treatments. Its main functions are as follows:
Dredge the meridians: It is the most basic and direct therapeutic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion, which can make the blocked meridians smooth and play its normal physiological effect.
Harmonize Yin and Yang: The ultimate goal of acupuncture treatment is to improve the balance state from the imbalance state of Yin and Yang. The mechanism of disease occurrence is complex, but overall it can be summarized as the imbalance between Yin and Yang.
Strengthening vital qi to eliminate pathogenic factor: it can help the body to drive away evil. The process of development and transformation of disease is essentially a process of competing between vital qi and evil qi. Acupuncture is to play the role of strengthening the righteousness and dispelling pathogenic factor.
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